Hill and Valley Riders, Inc.
Snowmobile Club By-Laws
1. Name and Purpose
1.1 The name of the club is the Hill and Valley Riders, Inc..
1.2 The purpose of the club is to stimulate and advance the general welfare and safety of snowmobiling. Educate snowmobilers and provide at least one youth snowmobile safety course per year. To defend snowmobilers from discriminating legislation, regulations and taxation. To develop a fraternal spirit among snowmobilers and other various winter sports enthusiasts. To develop and maintain useful trails in the local townships of Canadice, Livonia/Hemlock, Naples, Richmond, Springwater and other associated areas. Hill and Valley Riders, Inc. is a non-profit organization.
2. Membership
2.1 To qualify for membership, individuals must be of at least 16 years of age and be interested in supporting the purpose of the Club.
2.2 An applicant shall become a member upon payment of Club membership dues.
2.3 A members spouse (companion/and/or children may become members if 2.1 and 2.2 are satisfied. They may also reside as a family membership, which requires a slightly higher membership fee ($5.00) than a single person/member.
2.4 Children of members are encouraged to participate in Club events but may not vote or hold office unless membership requirements 2.1 is satisfied.
2.5 A member may resign from the Club at any time upon written notice to the secretary. Any paid dues shall be forfeited.
2.6 Memberships may be terminated by membership vote based on any of the following reasons:
1. Non-payment of Club Dues.
2. Conduct not in accord with 1.2.
3. Violation of any State or local ordinance.
4. Theft of any Club Property.
5. Embezzlement of Club funds.
2.7 Any persons whose membership has been revoked may reapply after six (6) months, except for the following conditions. If one of these conditions is invoked, then the ex-member cannot re-apply for membership for 5 years.
1. Embezzlement of Club funds.
2. Theft of Club Property, of any kind including signs, software, hardware of any kind. Snowmobiles, grooming equipment or lumber.
3. Dues
3.1 Dues shall be determined by the Officers in the club and Club members, ratified and payable at the September meeting but no later than the November meeting or upon membership.
3.2 To encourage family membership, there shall be only an additional $5.00 due/fees assigned over the cost of a single membership.
4. Management
4.1 The management of the Club shall be vested (elected or functioning) in the Board of Directors, who shall carry out duties as required by Club resolution.
4.2 The officers of the Club (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Administrator, Trail Manager, Marketing Manager, Event Coordinator and Equipment Manager) shall act as the Board of Directors.
4.3 Meetings of the Board may be called at any time upon request of the President or any 5 of the remaining Board members.
4.4 The Board of Directors may authorize the expenditure of Club funds for the proper furtherance of the purpose of the Club.
5. Officers
5.1 The officers of the Club shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Administrator, Trail Manager, Marketing Manager, Event Coordinator and Equipment Manager. Four consecutive years is the maximum time any officer can serve in one position. However, an officer can be a candidate for another officer position within the Club but not the same position they previously had. One year off is required if a person wants to be candidate for the same position within the Club. An officer can resign at any time.
5.2 The President, Vice President, Trail Manager and trail coordinators shall act as a committee to obtain landowner permission for trail development.
5.3 The officers shall be elected at the March meeting and shall serve for the following fiscal year. Nomination for office will be solicited from the floor (Club members) or by the Board of directors and verbally voted on by Board and Club members by saying in favor or opposed. Secret ballot elections will be held individually for each office when there is more than one nominee. Any officer may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of the Board and the Club members or when a willful violation has occurred when a board member has failed to follow club doctrine as outlined in these bylaws.
5.4 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of its Board of Directors. S/he shall appoint such committees as authorized by the Board of Directors and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. S/he shall carry out those other responsibilities as assigned by the By Laws and by the Board of Directors. The President shall perform the following special duties.
1. Work with local Townships and attend Town meetings promoting snowmobiling and snowmobiling responsible care.
2. Head spokesperson for the club at special events such as Rotary Club meetings, other local snowmobile club meetings or other special events when invited.
3. Handles the legal matters of the Club such as taxes, legal correspondence with lawyers and the club’s insurance policy
4. Formulates written correspondence dealing with landowner concerns or permission for new trail development programs.
5.5 The Vice President, during the absence of the President, shall perform the duties and have the power of the President. In addition s/he shall:
1. Be in charge of helping coordinate major trail improvements with the Trail Manager such as trail clearings and assuring trails are in a safe operative mode for the snowmobiling season.
2. Assist the trail manager in obtaining permission from landowners for trail.
3. Oversee and work with the secretary and other board members to insure all scheduled club correspondence and mailings are finished and mailed on time.
4. Work with Events Manager on special assignments and assist in coordinating events.
5. Manage snow grooming equipment and grooming schedule including manpower to run grooming equipment in cooperation with the Trail Manager.
6. Manage budget for snow grooming in cooperation with the Trail Manager.
5.6 The Secretary shall keep all of the Club records, other than financial. S/he shall be responsible for the following:
1. Minutes of meetings.
2. Club membership listing.
3. Lists of committees and their members.
4. Maintain and publish/mail the Club newsletter.
5. Send out mailings of events and other Club correspondence when requested by any board member or designee. S/he may appoint an assistant to aid in any of the above functions.
5.7 The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Club and have charge of its funds. S/he shall perform the following duties.
1. The treasurer shall disperse funds as directed by the Board of Directors or Board member.
2. The Treasurer will communicate with the President, Vice President, Secretary, Club Administrator, in regard to new memberships. All checks to be paid in full to the Hill and Valley Riders Inc. Treasurer.
3. A full financial report shall be prepared for each Club meeting.
4. The Treasurer will collect all membership dues and raffle ticket money and deposit all funds.
5. Input into forming an annual operating budget shall be proposed/presented at the September snowmobile season Kick off meeting. The annual budget shall be in final form, ready for ratification at the next Club meeting in October.
6. A year-end financial statement shall be presented at the April year-end meeting with details of actual vs. budgeted expenditures.
7. All checks written by the Club for services provided or purchased items will be the responsibility of the Treasurer.
8. The treasurer will also schedule and income tax review and submit financial information to the institution preparing the tax forms.
5.8 The Trail Manager shall report directly to the Club President and Vice President. S/he shall be responsible for:
1. Assuring that all landowners are contacted each year to request permission or use of their land for a marked trail. This information is to be recorded on the landowner check off sheet.
2. The Trail manager will manage all trails, posting events and applications for state funding in conjunction with the Vice President.
3. Respond to landowner concerns or complaints.
4. Manage and work cooperatively with the District Trail Coordinators, whom are responsible for posting signs, taking down signs and responding to complaints within their district.
5. Manage snow grooming equipment and grooming schedule including manpower to run grooming equipment in cooperation with the Vice President.
6. Manage budget for snow grooming in cooperation with the Vice President.
5.9 The Marketing Manager shall report directly to the Club President. S/he will be responsible for:
1. Communicating and working with local businesses in obtaining or soliciting new memberships for our Club.
2. Also be responsible for developing and working with the Trail manager maintaining a map with posted advertisements of various businesses in our local riding community.
3. Also be responsible for Public Relations (PR) development. Special new articles in local newspapers.
5.10 The Event Coordinator shall report directly to the Vice President. S/he will be responsible for:
1. Organizing events or soliciting members in the club to assist in or chair certain events.
2. Such club events are the NYSDEC Days, Christmas Party, Annual Steak Roast or any other event that is voted on and/or approved.
3. The Event Manager will work in conjunction with other members of the Board for administrative, financial and/or secretarial support.
5.11 The District Trail Coordinators report directly to the Trail Manager. More than one Trail Coordinator can represent a given district or area. These people are responsible for:
1. Trails within their given district. Functions include Landowner permissions, marking trails, putting up signs before season and taking signs down after the season.
2. Responding to Landowner complaints in a timely fashion.
5.12 The Equipment Manager reports directly to the President. This person is responsible for the following functions:
1. Schedule equipment pre-season maintenance in the fall.
2. Solicit from the club membership those members that want to continue serving as an equipment operator and secure new operator that want to enter the Grooming Program.
3. Schedule training of all equipment operators following the training guidelines as issued in the Grooming Program Plan.
4. Determine equipment operator teams
5. Design a grooming territory responsibility and schedule for each grooming team.
6. Oversee grooming operations.
7. Be the primary contact for Grooming Equipment Operators.
8. Respond when contacted by an Operator in the event of a breakdown, accident, or a trail condition that cannot be resolved by the operator.
9. Seek Board of Directors and/or club approval for those things deemed necessary for the smooth operation of the grooming program.
10. Collect all paperwork from each grooming machine including maintenance records and activity logs. Enter activity log data into appropriate work-logs as necessary to meet funding program mandates. Review maintenance logs to determine if operators completed tasks as expected and determine if major equipment repair is necessary.
11. Make equipment procurement recommendations to the Board of Directors.
5.13 The Trail Funding and County Coordinator shall report directly to the President and work with the trail manager. This position will interact directly with NYSSA, NYSPHP, Ontario County and Local Townships. This position is an appointed position and is not bound by the same 4-year maximum term, as outlined in 5.1 of this document.
1. Interact with the various government entities for the trail funding program, managing the submission of the trail plan, and coordinating information on funding to and from the club.
2. Coordinate and maintain the Landowner master list, in conjunction with the county tax maps. Confirming and documenting trail mileage and location.
3. Issuance of landowner insurance certificates and coordinating the trail insurance program with NYSSA.
5.14 The Club Administrator shall report directly to the President. This position will interact with the Club Officers, Club membership and Landowners, producing vouchers for membership renewals, landowner insurance certificates that involve utilization of the NYSSA online registration and membership system that produces registration vouchers for DMV and Landowner insurance certificates. The Administrator will work in conjunction with the Club secretary on various functions. The Administrator will maintain any Club information with NYSSA or associated systems and work with NYSSA administrators.
6. Appropriation of funds
6.1 Funds are to be approved and appropriated by the board for major expenditures, involving grooming equipment, (snowmobile and drag set), fuel, oil and parts and labor.
6.2 Other expenditures as warranted.
7. Meetings
7.1 Meetings of the Club shall be held on the 3rd week of every month starting with September and continuing every month until April. The schedule of meetings and where they will be held will Regular be published one the Hill and Valley Riders, Inc. website, hillandvalleyriders.com and on facebook, or in the Club News Letter.
7.2 The President or the Board of Directors may authorize 7.2 Special meetings or changes from 6.1. Written notice of any such special meeting or change shall will be published one the Hill and Valley Riders, Inc. website, hillandvalleyriders.com and on facebook, or in the Club News Letter.
7.3 Any formal action taken at any Club Meeting shall require a majority vote or ratification by thereof, those members present
8. Fiscal Year
8.1 The fiscal year shall begin on May 1 and end on April 30.
9. Revisions
9.1 These by-laws may be revised by the affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the Club.
9.2 *These new By-Laws (4/17/97) supersede any old By-Laws ever established from the time the Hill and Valley Riders, Inc. was formed to the date 4/17/97. This was approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the Club.
Management of Change
Updated by-laws: from 6/22/1998 version.
To: 3/16/2000 version.
Changes: Added new functions to by-laws: Trail Manager, Marketing Manager, and District Trail Coordinators. Added Job descriptions. New officers’ people elected and added to the positions.
These new by-laws supersede the by-laws updated previously on 6/22/98.
President: Scott Wohlschlegel, 3/16/2000
Hill and Valley Riders, Inc.
PO Box 61
Honeoye, NY 14471
Updated by-laws: from 3/16/2000 version.
To: 9/5/2000 version.
Changes: Revised section 5.9 Marketing Manager Duties, second sentence, removing donations and replacing it with new memberships for our club.
These new by-laws and/or changes supersede the by-laws updated previously on 3/16/2000.
President: Scott Wohlschlegel, 12/16/01
Hill and Valley Riders, Inc.
PO Box 61
Honeoye, NY 14471
Updated by-laws: from 3/16/2000 version.
To: 12/16/01 version.
Changes: Revised section Board member/officers job descriptions and added a new board member position of Event Coordinator. Added appropriation of funds and an Embezzlement Clause.
These new by-laws and/or changes supersede the by-laws updated previously on 3/16/2000.
President: Scott Wohlschlegel, 12/20/01
Hill and Valley Riders, Inc.
PO Box 61
Honeoye, NY 14471
Updated by-laws: from 12/16/2001 version.
To: 01/01/07 version.
Changes: Revised section Board member/officers job descriptions and added a new board member position of Equipment Manager.
These new by-laws and/or changes supersede the by-laws updated previously on 12/16/2001.
Secretary: Vicki M. Bruce, 01/01/2007
Updated by-laws: from 01/01/2007 version.
To: 07/30/07 version.
Changes: Revised section Name and Purpose 1.2 and added educational clause.
These new by-laws and/or changes supersede the by-laws undated previously on 01/01/2007.
Secretary: Vicki M. Bruce, 07/30/2007
President – Scott Wohlschlegel; 04/03/08
Updated by-laws: from 07/30/2007 version.
To: 04/03/08 version.
Changes: Revised section Board member/officers job descriptions and added a new appointed position of Trail Funding and
County Coordinator/Administrator at 5.13.
These new by-laws and/or changes supersede the by-laws undated previously on 07/30/2007.
President – Scott Wohlschlegel; 04/03/08
Updated by-laws: from 07/30/2007 version.
To: 02/07/12 version.
Changes: Revised section 7.0 meetings. Updated 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 with a better description of expectations for calling or changing meetings and added the HVR website. Added under 5.7, 5.7.8 the treasures responsibility to assist and help prepare any state or federal tax preparations or forms
These new by-laws and/or changes supersede the by-laws undated previously on 04/03/08.
President – Scott Wohlschlegel; 02/08/12
Updated by-laws: from 07/30/2008 version.
To: 06/16/16 version.
Changes: Revised section Board member/officers job descriptions, responsibilities and added a new appointed position 5.14 Club Administrator.
These new by-laws and/or changes supersede the by-laws undated previously on 04/03/2012.
President – Scott Wohlschlegel; 06/16/16
Updated by-laws: from 06/16/16 version.
To: 04/25/17 version.
Changes: Revised section Board member/officers job descriptions, responsibilities position 5.14 Club Administrator. Added insurance certificates
These new by-laws and/or changes supersede the by-laws undated previously on 06/16/16.
President – Scott Wohlschlegel; 04/25/17